Eager spanish student to accomplished spanish teacher

Mr.Zmarzlinski ,as a high school student, learned and was greatly inspired by his spanish teachers, Senoria Entler, Senoria Rod and Sernoria O’Dwyer. Now, he’s working alongside them as he teaches students who will hopefully be inspired like he was.

Mr.Zmarzlinski has been working at LHS for a few years now. “It’s just been absolutely amazing to be working with the people who inspired me to become a teacher and just see how they work, see their reasoning behind how we teach and why we teach it that way.” Mr.Zmarzlinski said.

After LHS, Mr.Zmarzlinski got his A.A (General Studies), B.A. (Spanish Education K-12) and M.A. in Ed. (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) including a study abroad program. “I was fortunate enough to go back to Poland. I went to Hungary, and traveled all over Spain.” This was not all though. Mr.Zmarzlinski said, “I went to Dubai. I went to Turkey and those are the places that I went to study abroad.”

After receiving his education, he is greatly driven by what is achieved in their classroom everyday. “We’re gonna make big things happen here and even if they’re not big, big, learning is gonna happen.” he said.

Mr.Zmarzlinski also wants to make sure that his students are feeling comfortable, happy and successful in their classroom by helping them and using what he learned during the pandemic. “I’ve always thought of myself as a patient person but the pandemic made me even more so of a patient person, even more compassionate.” Mr.Zmarzlinski later continued to explain, “Make mistakes. It’s okay. It’s okay if you’re nervous and all that because as long as you’re communicating that’s all that matters.”

Over the years Mr.Zmarzlinski has learned a lot from students, teachers and other staff.

He wants students to know, “We have a lot of great teachers in this building and sometimes people might not see it right away. But as you guys get older it becomes a little bit more profound.”

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