Get to know our newest history teacher

Get to know our newest history teacher

Mrs. Forsberg is our school’s newest history teacher. For ten years, she has been a teacher. For nine of those years she taught at Plainfield South Highschool. This year, Mrs. Forsberg is teaching American government, A.P Government, U.S History and Human Geography at Lemont High School for the first time.

She enjoys teaching history because there are a lot of different aspects to history and she constantly learns new things. “It’s nice because you get to always keep learning,” Forsberg said. 

So far, Mrs. Forsberg has enjoyed her time at Lemont High School. Her favorite thing about the school is “the interactions with the students” and the positive atmosphere. As well as interacting with other teachers in the history department.

“I always loved school growing up, it was like a second home for me,” Forsberg said. 

Mrs. Forsberg explained how she had positive childhood experiences in school and how she “wanted to create those same relationships and experiences for future students”.

In her freetime, Mrs. Forsberg enjoys reading audiobooks and chilling with her cat and dog. She is also interested in crafts, specifically paper crafts. Mrs. Forsberg also enjoys traveling. Some places she has traveled to are Greece where she got engaged, and Europe.

 If Mrs. Forsberg didn’t become a teacher; she most likely would have become an event planner. 

“I like jobs where I am on my feet and meeting new people,” Forsberg said.

Photo example of a few paper roses that Mrs. Forsberg handmade herself. As mentioned, she enjoys making paper crafts and even made her own paper background that she used for online meetings during COVID-19 .

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