Handling finals stress

Bridget Kunkel, Staff Writer

With first semester quickly winding down, finals will be here before we know it. However, it’s important to remember not to let the stress of finals turn you into a Grinch as the holidays approach.

  1. Better safe than sorry.

First thing’s first, remember to keep track of your schoolwork and what is due. There are so many students who think that their memory is suitable for remembering every project and paper. But, to be on the safe side, write it all down in an assignment notebook. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

  1. Organization is a lifesaver.

Learn to become more organized than ever before. Break out the highlighters, colored gel pens, color coded index cards, binder inserts, etc. Not only do these different colors represent different subjects and help you mentally organize what unit is what, but it looks cute and will help you if you ever need to refer back to your notes in second semester. Additionally, using these tools to help you with your final exams puts you in a studious mindset and will help you get stuff done.

  1. Preparation is key.

Don’t overwhelm yourself by doing everything in one day. It’s a proven fact that cramming the day before a test is not nearly as effective as preparing days in advance. This way, the material becomes more engrained in your brain and you remember things easily.

  1. Procrastination is prohibited.

A big (BIG) pointer thing to remember is to not procrastinate! Not only do your responsibilities pile up, but procrastination ends up with way more stress than needed (not to mention a full day of exhausting schoolwork and studying).

All in all, make sure you study for your final exams. Whether it’s by color coding, cleaning out your backpack, or NOT procrastinating, remember to be positive because winter break is soon after!