Seniors take the W at the annual 2017 Powderpuff game
The team gathers for a group photo.
October 16, 2017
The annual girl’s powderpuff game for juniors and seniors took place Sept. 26th on the football field. This game occurs only during spirit week, and when students checked in they were given one point that went to their overall totals for the rankings of spirit week. This drew in students of all different grades who strove to gain as many points possible for their class.
Each year during spirit week girls within the junior and senior classes are given the opportunity to sign up to play in the powderpuff game. All different types of girls desire to play so to keep the selection process unbiased, Athletic Director Mr. Young selected the teams randomly from a hat.
Those chosen were given a mouth piece and a football practice jersey to wear while playing. “I’m just excited to wear one of the football jerseys” senior Gianna Harbut said while discussing her excitement prior to the game. “I don’t care if it’s just the practice jerseys, I can’t wait to feel what it’s like.”
Seniors Nikki Giatris and Peyton Jay were the announcers who kept the crowd updated. Along with that, their comedic comments kept players on their feet with fear of getting called out.
On the sidelines there were mini games taking place with the chance of winning a prize. The prizes included t-shirts and graphic cups. The crowd was encouraged to make their way down to the track to take their shot at these games. Math teacher Mrs. Julie Johnson narrated these games and announced what was going on both with students playing and the game rules in general.
The powderpuff game finished off with the final score of 14-6, seniors.