Badminton takes on Shepard at first home game
Being the newest edition to LHS athletics, badminton takes on many new experiences.
The badminton team mid-match against Shepard in the field house.
April 18, 2018
Badminton’s first home game took place on Tuesday, April 3. The matches started at 4:30 p.m. and was held in the field house. The teams took on Shepard’s players as both junior varsity and varsity played simultaneously.
Junior varsity, coached by Eve Winiarski, won the majority of their matches throughout the games. Varsity, coached by Olivia Mattingly, lost the matches that they competed in.
“It is almost impossible for Varsity level kids to win games when it is the first year of the program, regardless of the sport, because they have less than a year of experience, but are playing girls who have 3+ years of being on the same team. Their willingness to play under those conditions are a testament to the strength of their character because they know they are going to be in an uphill battle in every single match,” said coach Winiarski.
“Though we did lose our dual on Tuesday, it definitely helps us to know what we need to improve,” said varsity player and senior Elissa Abboud.
This season being the very first for the badminton team, the challenge of facing already existing teams from other schools is very prevalent. However, looking out at all the matches it could be seen how dedicated each player was to try their hardest.
“Even though we didn’t win, we all tried our hardest and put as much effort as we could. We had our teammates and coaches motivating us to get more points,” said varsity player and senior Andrea Papiernik.
Given all the new first-time experiences the team has and will continue to encounter, the future looks bright for the LHS badminton team.