Rocking cowboy boots or strutting tennis shoes?
October 1, 2018

Juniors sang the pledge of allegiance for a skit.
On Monday, Sep. 24 students in flannels and cowboy hats or tennis skirts and polos file into the field house to celebrate the first day of spirit week–a ritual that occurs the week before homecoming every year–and today is country versus country club day. Students perform a variety of themed skits ranging from lip singing performances, line dances, or saying the pledge of allegiance while dressed up as cowboys.
The announcements later revealed that fifth place went to Athanasia Spatharakis, fourth went to Chloe Kwasigroh, third place went to Country Karaoke, second place went to Boots Scout and Boogie, and first place went to Serving at the country club.
English teacher Mr. Deguzman, who was sporting a country club look, said, “I really liked the sophomore dressed as a scarecrow. The senior karaoke skit was really funny, but the group that won was clearly the winner.”