Lasting legacy of alumni artist
This is a saxophone painting created by Robyn Kraft in her senior year. The painting is dedicated to Kraft’s boyfriend and the LHS Band.
November 8, 2018
In the art department, it is hard to not come across the works of Robyn Kraft. Kraft, who graduated with the class of 2018 and is now attending College of Dupage, has contributed to the art department and has been praised by teachers and students for her countless works of art that can be found in the hallways. The alumni artist describes her experience in the art department and how art has made an impact on herself.
Why did you start creating art?
“Art is a way for me to express myself and I just enjoy doing it.”
Who or what is your inspiration for creating art now and during high school?
“In high school, it was all 3 of the art teachers I had. But now, it’s just like whatever I want and what makes me happy at the moment.”
What does art mean to you?
“Everything. It’s like a way to express yourself and be yourself. Art also is very relaxing and helps you cope with things going on in your life.”
How are you continuing art after high school?
“Second semester I will be taking Graphic Design. At the moment, I am really busy with school, so I don’t have the time to make art on my own. Sometimes in my freetime, I will create art pieces for my family, but nothing major.”
How would you describe yourself as an artist?
“As an artist, I would describe myself as a ‘mess’, meaning I do whatever comes to my head.”
What was your favorite art class at LHS and why? Who was your favorite art teacher?
“Every art class was my favorite because of the teachers. All of the art teachers have a special place in my heart, but Mr. Hennebry is my favorite.”
Why should students take art classes?
“Because art is underappreciated. You won’t know what you like, and everyone can find themselves in any art class.”
What is your favorite art piece you have done?
“The Saxophone I painted senior year. This art piece is inspired by my boyfriend, who played the saxophone in the LHS band.”
How has the art department at LHS influenced you as an artist?
“It taught me to be more confident in the things I do because it is something I love. Art also taught me to stick with things that you love, no matter what.”