Business and Technology Concepts changes name
This is Mr. Hollatz’s classroom, where Technology Concepts will be taught.
November 8, 2018
After many years of teaching business and technology, the class Business and Technology Concepts is changing their name to Technology Concepts to focus more on technology.
This year the class Business and Technology Concepts (BTC) is changing their name to Technology Concepts. What prompted the change is that there is less Microsoft and more Google based programs in our school.
The school is changing its name because of the shift to Google based learning initiatives. Business teacher Mrs. Thiele said, “the school is a GAFE school or Google Apps For Education school.”
Mr. Hollatz teaches the class and he said this about the change “[The class] will use different tech concepts [and] focus more on tech”. Some things that can change in the curriculum are focusing more on the aspect of business and more on the aspect of technology. They will be using Google, instead of Microsoft, which used to be taught.