Film Club presents exhilarating experiences
Movie lineup for Film Club promises fulfilling entertainment
The Film Club meets in their personal theater in room 115, watching Night of the Living Dead.
November 8, 2018
Film Club is a relatively new extra-curricular activity, always gaining new people and steadily increasing in popularity. “The main point of Film Club is to show movies, of course, but it also introduces people to certain movies they may not have seen or may never come across normally. Essentially, we’ll never watch movies like Avengers: Infinity War or any new movies, because Film Club is meant for exploring what cinema truly is,” said Liam Putrius, one of the leaders of Film Club.
The current movie times for the rest of the semesters are as follows: Night of the Living Dead – Nov. 1, Grizzly Man – Nov. 8 & 15, Die Hard – Nov. 29 & Dec. 6. “We try to get movies that fit as many of the different genres as possible to widen our variety, maybe slip in a drama here and there, horror movies are present, as well as a documentary, and we’ll definitely have our fair share of comedy. This year we’ve got a choice between two comedies, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, and the movie that we’ll show will be put up to a vote,” said Matthew Evers, secondary leader of Film Club. Most of the movies require a parent or guardian-signed permission slip, as some possess an R rating.
Many of the members of Film Club are excited to return next semester, as the leaders of the club have something rather worthwhile for them. “Next semester, we’re gonna kick this club into a higher gear. We’re going to be showing some more mature shows, but they’re more thought-provoking, being very well directed, produced, and brilliantly casted such as Full Metal Jacket and No Country for Old Men,” said Nathan Evers, tertiary leader of Film Club.
It will be very interesting to see just how many people will follow their interest in cinema and movies. If anyone wants to know about the movie schedule and times for second semester, as well as additional questions, see Mrs. Winiarski in room 115.