Spinning into the Winter Season
February 28, 2019
During football season, halftime includes spectacular performances by the band. Along with the band, the Color Guard adds to the performance, marching out with their heads held high, with extraordinary costumes, makeup, with their magnificent flags, rifles, and sabers. Throughout the entire performance, the colorguard is dancing, twirling, and tossing their many flags, rifles, and sabers that contribute to the eye catching and mesmerizing performance.
Not many know that you can still see the beauty of the Color Guard performances after football season. Winter Guard, the second competitive season of the team, performs without the band, and travels to different high schools to perform their brilliant piece.
There are 10 team members for the winter season, and each member makes a large impact on the success of the season. Practicing two times a week from 6-9 p.m., the team is always ready to perform their show because of their fantastic coach, Ari Corbin.
Without the determination and drive of the team members, there wouldn’t be a spectacular show. Lindsey Gottardo, third year with the Color Guard team, describes this years winter season, her experience as a member, and her goals for the present team and in the future.
How would you describe this year’s winter show?
“The name of our winter season show is River Water, and the color of our flags are blue. The overall mood of this years show is very sad but shifts towards angry at the end. We have harder choreography than many of the other groups we are competing against. This is because our instructor wanted to start us in an easier category considering this is our first year after a year break from competing during the winter season.”
How would you say your time on LHS color guard impacted your high school career?
“I think that I have really come out of my shell since joining the team, and I don’t think that I could have done that with any other sport. I was very shy in middle school and I think that having to get up and perform in front of so many people, and colorguard really pulled me out of that. I also have met some of my best friends through it and they continue to support me in school and to get better at guard. I don’t think I’d be where I am today without it.”
What is your favorite memory as a member of the team? What was your favorite show/performance?
“My favorite memory has got to be the feeling of making it to finals at state my freshman year. It was the first time I actually felt that I truly loved the sport and wanted to do it again the next year. My favorite show was my freshman year, Amongst the Clouds.”
In regards to the future team, what do you expect to see improve, and what do you expect to stay?
“I think that we have some very strong underclassmen, and will have a good group of seniors that will really help us to continue to get harder work. I do think that just like every year, the freshmen will be timid and hold us back slightly, but it’s nothing we can’t get past.”
What do you hope you and the team will achieve going into senior year?
“Going into senior year, I hope that we will have made an impact on the winter guard world and will be fierce competition next year. I also hope that we can get a lot done and start out our fall season with a strong show that will take us far, possibly even into finals at state.”
How can readers keep up with the events of the LHS Color Guard?
“They can check out lemontband.org that has the dates of all practices and competitions. They can also check out the guard Instagram lemont_guard or usually, some of us are posting on our personal social media.”
Be sure to make an appearance at the next competition on March 2 at 3:28 p.m. at Stagg High School! Additional performance times and venues will be posted on lemontband.org, or you can check and follow Instagram page. The team hopes that you come and show your school spirit by continuing to support them during the winter and fall season!

Junior Lindsey Gottardo gets ready and excited to perform with the rest of the team and the band for their fall show, “Mixed Signals.”