English teacher warms up with CITGO for the 123rd annual Boston Marathon
March 8, 2019
On Monday, April 15, 2019, English teacher Caralyn Forde will run at the 123rd annual Boston Marathon for CITGO. In mid-January CITGO representative, April Elashik, reached out to Lemont High School and other partner schools, including Lockport, inviting staff and faculty to apply to participate in the Boston Marathon.
CITGO is the official sponsor for the Boston Marathon. CITGO has had a sign on the route of the race a mile away from the finish line in Kenmore square since 1965.
CITGO contacted Tony Hamilton, the director of school and community relations, with their decision to have Mrs. Forde run as apart of their sponsored team. CITGO requested the news to be revealed through a surprise.
Hamilton said, “I ended up faking that CITGO looking for students and teacher to get footage of them in the CITGO Innovation Academy, and I told her it was being done in other CITGO Innovation Academies across the country.”
During Forde’s last period AP language class, Mrs. Forde was directed to read a q-card which said “CITGO gives students and staff the opportunity to utilize cutting edge technology.” Recruited student, Sophia Antropolis, responded with a scripted line reading, “For instance, I was able to make this mock gold medal to congratulate Caralyn Forde on being sponsored by CITGO to participate in the Boston Marathon.”
A CITGO representative then popped out with balloons and flowers to inform Forde she is going to Boston. Mrs. Forde said, “I was beyond shocked.”
The Boston Marathon will be Forde’s first full marathon, but she has run half marathons in the past, and enjoys running in her spare time.
To prepare for the marathon in April, Forde has been constantly running, and increasing her total mileage each week.
Forde said, “I’m equal parts nervous and excited. I know it’s going to be really tough, both the marathon and the training, but I also know I’ll be able to finish. The reason I entered was because I have a big birthday coming up and I want to take more risks and push myself past my comfort zone.”
You can watch the video of Forde being surprised on the Lemont High School Twitter account.

Mrs. Forde explaining how to write a rhetorical analysis to her B3 English II Honors class. Mrs. Forde said, “I enjoy being outside in my freetime, running clears my mind.”