Bring on the color
Students from all grades have the opportunity to participate in skits and games during spirit week. Pictured: Juniors Lauren Rearden and Calista Chaidez
November 13, 2019

Students gather in the fieldhouse to watch the skits before school Pictured: Seniors Amber Molitor, Lin-Li Beadle, and Paige Panush
On Thursday, October 3, students participated in class color day for Homecoming spirit week to help their class gain points for the competition.
On this spirit day, freshman wear orange, sophomores wear red, juniors wear green, and seniors wear black.
Sophomore Alexa Potaczek is among the students excited for the day’s festivities.
“Now that it’s my second Class Color Day, I know how competitive everything is. I’m excited to cheer on my grade in the games and show pride in our class,” Potaczek said.
Before classes started, students presented skits to be judged by several faculty members. The winning skits were Junior Jig from the juniors (1st), Paint it Black from the seniors (2nd), Black Is the Color from the seniors (3rd), Alyssa Quaid and Sophia Antonopoulos from the seniors (4th) and Kaitlyn Canale from the freshmen (5th).
The class totals after skits: the freshman class in fourth place with 522 points, the sophomore class in third place with 729 points, the junior class in second place with 742 points and the senior class in first with 965 points.
“My favorite part of class color day is how pretty much everyone participates in it and how your whole grade teams up together,” senior Jessie Tan said.
Students also had the opportunity to participate in the Homecoming Games, where the classes got to compete in activities such as dodgeball, tug of war, arm wrestling, puzzle, obstacle course, and minute to win it. The seniors came in 1st, the juniors in 2nd, the freshman in 3rd, and the sophomores in 4th.
“Every student has this desire to be part of something bigger than themselves, and I think it [Class Color Day] encourages students to get involved in school and be excited about being here,” Assistant Activities Director Mr. Doherty said.