Blue and gold day brings students together

Logan Kearns, Staff Writer

Each year as spirit week comes to a close, the final day brings out everyone’s school spirit and brings all the students together. Blue and gold day on Friday, Oct. 1 was a day of reflection for students as they looked back on the past week and celebrated Lemont pride by wearing blue and gold. Everywhere you looked you could see students decked out in their school colors. 

The spirit points were tallied up on this day and were presented to the school during the pep assembly. In fourth place was the freshman with 1,722 points, third was the sophomores with 1,896 points, juniors took second place with 2,144 points, and the seniors came out on top with 2,467 points. 

Blue and Gold day is also when the results of the food drive are announced. The senior class took over the food drive this year by bringing in almost 6,500 items earning them 100 points. The food drive this year raised a total of 11,374 items which will be donated to Lemont High Schools very own food bank. 

This day also brought forth the spirit link results. This year, the senior class dominated spirit links by raising $2,449! In total, all four classes raised $4,064 which will be donated to the Elliestrong Forever Foundation. The senior class shares a personal connection with this foundation as Ellie Cuiching, a former class of 2022 student passed away in 2019 after her long battle with cancer. 

Overall, this day brings the students together after a week of fierce battling for the title of spirit week champions. Blue and Gold day represents our pride and school spirit for Lemont and brings spirit week to a unified close.