Golden Cheer and Dance Team brings positivity to school
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May 16, 2023
Head coaches Stephanie Krolo, Meghan Wilcoxen and Quinn Shereck recently introduced the brand new Golden Cheer and Dance program, an inclusive team providing opportunities for students to perform non-competitively. This team will not be cheering or dancing competitively but rather performing at football and basketball games. Plus, there are no tryouts as selection is simply based on interest.
As of now, there is an interest form for students as well as a parent meeting coming up at the end of the school year. Team practices officially start in the summer and switch to weekly practices once the school year begins.
“I feel that our role is coaching and coordinator because we are also offering opportunities to students to come in and be leaders and actually coach those members of this team too,” Krolo said.
Not only will this team benefit students wanting to join the team but also those wanting to help coach it. Letting students lead not only offers a fantastic experience but also fosters positive relationships.
The purpose of the team is to bring back a similar inclusive cheer squad created in years past called Sparkles.
“This will benefit everyone, we are really looking towards bringing opportunities for special ed and life skill kids, but at the end of the day its an inclusive program that includes everyone,” Wilcoxen said.
A teacher’s job is to do everything they can to bring the school together, and that is exactly what Krolo, Wilcoxen and Sherck are doing. The Golden Cheer and Dance will give opportunities for all students of all ability levels to be a part of a program that supports and cheers on their school. The trio of coaches can’t wait to bring this program to life and kickstart the upcoming school year with light, spirit and a positive atmosphere.