The beat of Lemont High School

The Tom-Tom

The beat of Lemont High School

The Tom-Tom

The beat of Lemont High School

The Tom-Tom

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Season opening of Chicago White Sox, Chicago Cubs season

Scoreboard at the Cubs and Sox game.
Wikimedia Commons
Scoreboard at the Cubs and Sox game.

This year, March 20 was the opening day for Major League Baseball (MLB). In Chicago, this is one of the best days of the year because the city is home to two MLB teams. The Cubs and the Sox are thrilled to get the season started with their new starting lineups and coaches. Throughout spring training, we have seen good things from both teams. But the real question is which Chicago team is going to be better this year? 

The Cubs started their season with a bang. Their record so far is 14-9 and are second in the national league central. This season, they have acquired some new faces to their roster like Shōta Imanaga.

“Japanese left-hander Shota Imanaga was the lone addition to the Chicago Cubs’ starting rotation this offseason, leaving Justin Steele to once again serve as their ace,” Sports Illustrated said. 

They also acquired a brand new manager, Craig Counsell. He was a former professional baseball player and also the previous manager for the Milwaukee Brewers. He holds the Brewers’ franchise record for managerial wins. The Cubs agree he is going to be a great addition to the team this season. 

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“The Chicago Cubs 2024 coaching staff under new manager Craig Counsell is set, with a number of notable names making a return, as well as some significant fresh faces looking to help re-energize the club toward postseason contention next season,” WGNTV said.

The Cubs have a lot of potential this year and should be able to make it to the playoffs. Last year, they fell short of one game. This year they are back for revenge and better than ever.

On the other hand, the Sox have had a rough start to the season, but have hope for the rest of the season. Their record, as of right now, is 3-20 in the American League Central and are currently sitting at last in the whole American League. 

I feel like we’ve raised the IQ of our club, which was something we wanted to accomplish out here,” Sox manager, Chris Getz, said in an interview on “I think we are going to reap the rewards as the season goes on.” 

As of right now, the season is looking better for the Cubs, but the Sox could come around and make themselves great. All things considered, who do you think is going to make it further this season? 

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Bridget Kearns
Bridget Kearns, Staff Writer
Bridget Kearns is a junior entering her first year on the Tom-Tom staff. Her friends and family would describe her as a hard worker and a humorous person. She is usually pretty busy being an active member of the Varsity Volleyball Team, Uno Volleyball Club, NHS, Student Council and working at Barrel and Vine. When she has freetime, Bridget can be found listening to her favorite music- she is a big Drake fan - or spending time with her family and friends. 
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