“Normal People” is a unique and thought-provoking novel that surrounds the personal lives and complicated relationship between a girl named Marianne and a boy named Connell over the span of five years. The book is written in a close third-person perspective alternating between the two main characters. Despite their differences in personality and life experience, Marianne and Connell are magnetically pulled together time and time again.
The writing style and structure of time is one of a kind. Sally Rooney’s candor style of writing creates a story that feels more realistic compared to other romance novels and encapsulates the true meaning of contemporary romance. The chapters define the amount of time passing, anywhere from five minutes to several months. I found this frustrating as a reader at first, but grew fonder as the book went on because it felt natural with the on-and-off relationship dynamic.
This novel strayed away from other novels with the lack of dramatization of events and emotions making the sentimental moments more meaningful and the heartbreak more painful. Marianne and Connell have an unexplainable and unlikely connection.
I think readers can have a hard time relating to the characters and their circumstances as teenagers and young adults in Ireland. But, I also think the relationship dynamic of insecurity yet necessity is something that a lot of readers can connect to and that truly is what makes this novel special.
“Part of the excitement of reading Rooney is seeing this old-school sensibility applied to what feel like acutely modern problems,” New York Times author Andrew Martin said.
I think it feels more intellectual and “old-school” due to the high intelligence of both main characters. Their intelligence is something that Rooney capitalizes on throughout and is a large reason for Marianne and Connell’s connection. It almost is like they are another level intellectually compared to everyone else around them.
“Normal People” is the start of a new generation of romance novels in my opinion. The type of book that describes a love that isn’t perfect but still extraordinary. The best way to describe the book is that it feels like an old story that keeps on repeating itself.