Minecraft has had a major impact on the gaming world for 16 years now, with the game still being updated frequently. Due to the game being around for so long, it has developed a large community of players filled with diversity. While the game itself has been a big influence in the gaming culture, the players in the community have been a bigger influence.
Minecraft is a cross-platform game, meaning the game is playable on all consoles and devices, making Minecraft accessible for all ages around the world. The accessibility of the game is the reason there is such a large community. The Minecraft community isn’t just solely in the game, but also on social media platforms, too. There are many big Minecraft content creators who are big influences in the community.
Many of these creators have Minecrafts servers. A server is a Minecraft world that multiple people have access to play on. A big example of one of these servers is the Dream survival multiplayer (SMP) server. This server has been around quite a while now, with many players involved and committed to the Minecraft server’s world. The Dream SMP started April of 2020, with a start of eight players including content creator Clayton Huff, more popularly known as Dream.
The server is an invite-only world, but many different people have left and joined the server throughout the years. The world started off as a regular survival world then progressed into something more complex with it becoming scripted as the content got more popular. As the series got older, it slowed down and got less popular, eventually ending in late 2023.
Since the ending of the server there has been no talk of any of the players or the server itself up until late 2024 when former Dream SMP player Thomas Simons came forward about the entire experience of the server and conflict with other content creators. Simons, more popularly known as TommyInnit, joined the server a few months after it was created. TommyInnit was 15-years-old when he joined the server, creating a five year age gap or even more with many of the players.
TommynInnit uploaded a video to YouTube – that is now archived – discussing the problematic things Dream and other content creators have done. He shared certain interactions with Dream that are very negative. He went on to mention his experience as a child dealing with the internet and his fellow content creators, a lot of the experiences being hard to talk about for him.
Overall, the Minecraft community and the gaming community is an outlet for many to be who they are and create connections with others. But with all things online, there is always a darkside to it. It’s important to be aware when interacting with others online and in-person. TommyInnit is a big example of why it’s very important to be aware of the intentions of others, even if it’s in a video game.