Track: building muscle and friendships

Natalie Palarz, Business/PR Manager

A lot of my peers consider me crazy for actually enjoying running. They have this misconception that all I do during track season is run around town in my free time, training for upcoming meets. Though that might be somewhat true, the season encompasses more than just improving one’s speed, endurance, and strength.

What most fail to realize is that even though track is a very personal sport, you have the ability to meet so many individuals, especially from other schools.

Your teammates are there for you through all the tears shed, races won, painful leg injuries, jokes during practice and just about anything you could think of. Because of this, I’ve found that the people you run and train with everyday become those closest to you.

It’s quite ironic, actually. Such an independent sport would give you the ability to connect with other athletes like yourself, but it makes sense. The challenges you think you face alone–wanting to run faster, jump higher, or throw further–are obstacles that other members of your team face as well.

So, instead of being discouraged to join track because you think you’re going to be all alone, think again. The girls on your team will be more supportive than you ever expected and you’ll be able to build friendships that’ll last way past the end of the season.