Students take advantage of their resource(s)
Resource students busy at work on their computers in W317.
February 26, 2018
On Sept. 12, at 9 a.m., students in W317 were typing away on their computers. Mr. Erik Murry, a special education teacher who leads a Resource class, explained the purpose of the junior/senior class.
Murry said, “[The class is to]-help students prioritize and set goals they can achieve in the classroom and in their futures.¨
Resource is a class dedicated to one-on-one interaction with students, where they can focus on independent studies depending on their academic agenda. That helps students focus on individual improvement and encourages self-sustainability.
Murry is always available to aid students in their academic life. This is accomplished through a 30-point-system. Students are rewarded for completing tasks such as: completing assigned work, filling out their student handbooks, or illustrating exceptional behavior. Five points is the maximum amount for each category.
The classroom’s layout consists of evenly dispersed tables throughout the room, providing sufficient room for students to space out their materials and organize their work. The blackboard at the front houses a daily agenda for student reference.
In this particular class setting, there were eight students in this classroom with two students at each table while some tables just had one student. The overall class setting was very quiescent, the only noises emitting from the tedious typing of Chromebooks and occasional cough from a student. Each student seemed to be achieving high levels of productivity in their individual work and each student exhibited a unique work ethic.
Junior Vincent Decarlo shared what he liked about this class. He said, ¨It’s a great chance to finish homework and catch-up on late assignments,¨ and agreed that the class, ¨gives freedom to its students.¨
Senior Megan Wasilewski also agreed the class, ¨helps with homework and has lots of help from teachers and resources.¨ Her favorite part of the class is to ¨listen to music.”
The biggest improvement that Murry saw in his students was, ¨better transition goals to college and their ability to discuss future plans.¨
Murry’s only concern for the class was the social aspect. He wants to encourage more social interaction through the usage of projects and group work.
He revealed how he was amazed how smoothly the transition of going one-to-one was for his class.
Murry said, ¨Google classroom allows for tremendous organizational skills, easy to teach other classrooms – everything in one place.¨
It’s a learning experience for him, but he said the students have played a big role in helping him transition with the new technology.