A day at Lemont
March 22, 2018

Student Nicholas Xydakis works on his digital art project. Mrs. Megan Idell, a fine arts teacher, has the students working hard to complete their projects on time.

Rise in car accidents in parking garage cause people to question if the parking garage is a safe place for students to park their cars. Reckless driving is extremely common with teens, seeing as they are newer drivers with less experience.

The week before Spring Break poses a lot of stress for students, like sophomore Annika Swientek. The Math II Honors student worked hard in Ms. Marshall’s class on one of the many tests she had this week.

Cafeteria workers prepare food for the upcoming school day, Mar. 20. This Monday, pizza was on the menu.

One of the many posters around LHS that advocate against violence in schools advertises the “17 Acts of Kindness” movement. It also serves as a remembrance for the victims of the Stoneman Douglas School shooting.

The guidance counselor’s offices are located on the first floor to the right of the nurse’s office. If a student needs a schedule adjustment, is having a rough day or needs assistance with school-related things, this is the place to go.

Behind the scenes in the kitchen, where french fries and bosco sticks are being prepared by the staff in the cafeteria. The average shift starts at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. This goes to show how hard the lunch ladies work to provide meals for students.

Junior Arijus Trakymas working on his individual wifi extender project for the technology internship program. Arijus plans to major in computer science and is focused on his goal.

Cafeteria staff Sandy Ebert (Left) and Penny Jay prepare the meals prior to the cafeteria rush hour during lunch. Last Tuesday, “7 Piece Boneless Wings” were served with a choice of honey barbecue or buffalo sauce.

Sophomore Dan Roth, draws a sketch of “boxed in” for his visual pun project in Graphic Design. The class, which utilizes Adobe Illustrator for a majority of their art, just finished working on a project in which they designed, printed and constructed product boxes.

Senior Brianna Katauskas, stops to take photo of art above lockers for journalism photo caption practice Tuesday during second period. The Journalism class often utilizes sources outside the classroom for more engaging learning.

Freshman Tori Silvar bakes dinner rolls in Family and Consumer Science Class. The class teaches freshmen students about child development, family relations, cooking and baking skills.

Lemont High School’s hallways decorated with positive messages using art. Artwork was drawn and designed by students, then printed onto sticker paper.

Mrs. Sharon Karpiak wearing her new Fitbit Blaze watch. “I love it! I wear it every day it’s the best thing I’ve ever gotten,” said Karpiak. The Campus Supervisor says that she has had the original watch for three years but recently got her Blaze around Christmas. She gets about 14,000 steps a day when walking around the school. Her goal is to reach at least 10,000 steps every day.

Voting Value – The Gubernatorial Primary Election was held last Tuesday with one of the precincts being Lemont High School. Voters were offered either a Democrat or Republican ballot.

Junior Sylvia Kobylak looks at her materials in chemistry. This science course is popular among juniors.

Junior Rizelle Shroyer painted a portrait of beauty YouTuber Tati. The painting, titled “Halo,” was done with oil paints on canvas.