A student who always aims to help
February 13, 2019
Drazen Gierman is a freshman that helps to avoid making a problem any worse than it already is. He aims to achieve all A’s in his classes. Although his goal is cliche, it can be made sure that many other students also seek straight A’s.
Gierman was enlisted in Old Quarry Middle School’s “Project Infinite Green,” a group effort that serves to help find renewable sources of energy and has contributed to the “Water Project.” This student-funded project funds water pumps throughout developing countries in need of them.
Regarding the community, he strives for work in both the simple and big picture. For it, Gierman said, “[I help] the needy, such as cats that haven’t been adopted and avoid the bigger problem, such as saving energy to prevent global warming.”
The student body is always looking to improve their grades and Gierman is no exception. He said, “[I would like to] improve my work ethic, and work harder to achieve my goals, such as earning mostly A’s, improving my style of work.”
Even students such as Gierman face trouble in the school environment; however, with times of despair come another’s acts of help.
He notes his teachers are exemplary. “My teachers have helped me along the way by helping me work through touchy times in my schoolwork and are very good when it comes to going a step further to help a student,” Gierman said.

In the Citgo Innovation Academy, Drazen Gierman is seen smiling towards a brighter, more sustainable future. His contributions to the “Water Project” and “Project Infinite Green” have greatly helped the causes.