LHS’s food drive records record totals

Megan Sawatzky

Senior Hiba Ayub loaded up her car with hundreds of cans in order to assist the seniors in claiming victory. Totals were close between the juniors and seniors, therefore many students were rushing to buy as many food items as possible.

LHS held its annual food drive during spirit week, encouraging students to bring in non perishable goods that could be donated to the food bank at the school. 

Each grade level had a designated classroom they could drop food off in. For the seniors it was room N316 Mrs. Duensing’s room, juniors went to N334 Mrs. O’Dwyer, sophomores in Mrs. Kupchek’s room N305, and the freshman in Mr. Hennebry’s room N314. 

Having separate rooms had its benefits, including no stealing between classes. Previously, as the food drive was held in the field house, the likelihood of taking items from other classes was much greater due to items being closer together. 

Whichever class brought in the most items by the end of the week would be awarded 100 spirit points, second place with 75 points, third place with 50 points, and fourth place would get 25 points. A bonus of 50 points was also awarded to the junior class for bringing in the most food on that Wednesday.

“Although the competition aspect of it was a huge incentive, I think the larger motivator for giving a bunch of food was knowing that it would help people and influence their lives more than it would for me,” said junior Suzie Knutte. 

Rivalry between classes called for a record breaking amount of 11,374 items overall. The seniors dominated with a total of 6,484. Juniors came in second with a total of 3,324, sophomores in third with 786, and 757 items for the freshman.