A force to be reckoned with

Logan Kearns, Staff Writer

Boom! Pow! Ka-bang! The new Netflix comedy “Thunder Force” came out with a bang. “Thunder Force” is a girl-boss superhero movie that will have you laughing until your stomach hurts. With a cast starring Melissa McCarthy as Lydia and Octavia Spencer as Emily, I already knew this movie would be a hit, and it was. 

This action packed superhero movie takes place in current day Chicago where a cosmic ray blast has left the world scattered with criminals with superpowers. The villains, known as miscreants, came in all shapes and sizes. From half crab to half man, to a woman with laser powers, it is up to Lydia and Emily to protect their city from destruction. 

Initially, this movie hit me with an emotional backstory. As a child, Emily lost her parents due to an accident involving the Miscreants. Because of this, she felt lonely and sad. However, she soon made friends with a strong girl named Lydia. Lydia was a complete opposite, she was outgoing and tough. She would fight off the bullies Emily faced, literally. 

After years of being apart after an argument the friends had, Emily’s brilliant intelligence led her to create a huge company where she created an injection to give you superpowers. The two friends reunite to combat the miscreants and avenge Emily’s parents. The chemical formula Emily made gave Lydia super strength powers and gave herself the power of invisibility. 

This iconic girl superhero duo had me rolling on the ground between the training montages of McCarthy fighting a trainer to her special diet of only eating raw chicken. McCarthy dominated her character and played the role of a crazy, strange, but compassionate best friend. Watching the pair take on and battle the Miscreants was also funny to watch. They would sing old songs right before a big fight scene or even an explosion. But thanks to their super power abilities, the pair was always able to combat the miscreants and win the battle. Lydia also ended up having a relationship with a miscreant. However, this relationship was hilarious since the Miscreant has Crab claws for his arms. The Crab Man played by actor Jason Bateman had me laughing when the two were flirtatious with each other. 

Watching CGI-generated McCarthy flip through the air and battle everyone was a sight to see. Spencer’s character played along with all of the fun and even got to drive a really nice car that became their supercar. Watching the two grow their friendship and their relationship was a sweet part of the movie. The characters took away valuable lessons of friendship and love from their encounters with the Miscreants.