Scholastic Bowl team makes a strong wrap as their season comes to an end

Meghan Wehn, Staff Writer

Do you like trivia? Are you competitive? If so, Scholastic Bowl is the club for you. Scholastic Bowl is an IHSA authorized club where two teams go head to head to answer questions from a variety of topics. During Scholastic Bowl, students are expected to answer trivia questions correctly and quickly. 

“It’s competitive trivia. Each school has a team of five that competes against another school’s team of five. We answer questions back and forth and whoever gets the most right wins the match,” senior and current member of the varsity team John Vranas said.

Scholastic Bowl sponsors Justin Weidler of the varsity team and Mark Wojnar of the junior varsity team both put together strong teams with 16 and 14 members, respectively. 

During Scholastic Bowl season, practices usually take place once a week and start with an all-member meeting in Weidler’s room. After a brief moment of recaps from the past match, junior varsity and varsity split up to begin answering practice questions. 

“For Scholastic Bowl, there is an organization called NAQT and they actually publish questions every year. We purchase the questions and then for practices we will utilize those questions,” Weidler said.

This season has certainly been an impressive one; both junior varsity and varsity have won all of their matches up until their most recent one on Feb 1. Junior varsity remains undefeated while varsity took their first loss.

Joining competitive team clubs is a great way to meet new people and further your academic skills. Scholastic Bowl brings many students close together because they must depend on the knowledge of one another to succeed. 

“Teamwork and collaboration is important… not everyone is an expert in everything so we do have to rely on one another, so it’s important to realize each other’s strengths and weaknesses,” Weidler said.  

As Scholastic Bowl members begin to wrap up their season with conference and hopefully head to regionals, the teams will continue to practice to ensure an easy win.